"Two on a Log", Bald Eagle residents of Zangle Cove.
These two Bald Eagles are our resident pair on Zangle Cove. They sit on their nest every day! They feed in the exact location of the proposed geoduck farm. Bald Eagles caught in geoduck nets have been photographed more than once.
We want to save the habitat of these very special residents of our neighborhood!
Please send your comments on the proposed industrial geoduck farm by March 31, 2015, before the end of the comment period. Write to:
Tony Kantas, Senior Planner, Thurston County, kantasK@co.thurston.wa.us
CC: wilsonc@co.thurston.wa.us, davisj@co.thurston.wa.us, kainm@co.thurston.wa.us, osbornc@co.thurston.wa.us, mccorms@co.thurston.wa.us, murphyb@co.thurston.wa.us, Pamela.Sanguinetti@usace.army.mil, protectzanglecove@gmail.com
Reference Case 2014108800, Sohn Geoduck Farm
Go to http://protectzanglecove.org/action.html for ideas about your letter.